Pre-Health Professional Advising

The MedOpp Advising Office provides pre-professional advising for pre-medical (allopathic and osteopathic), pre-dental, pre-optometry, pre-podiatry, pre-physician assistant, pre-physical therapy, and pre-occupational therapy students at MU.

The MedOpp Advising Office offers co-curricular programming including seminars, workshops and activities that are designed to complement the student’s academic and scholarly achievements in preparation for application to professional programs. Our services include:

  • Advice on course selection (after degree planning with your academic adviser)
  • Guidance on co- and extracurricular activities to solidify your direction
  • Information on applications and professional school admissions tests
  • Tips about soliciting letters of recommendation
  •  Application Support Program (ASP) for students applying to those programs
  • Committee Interview and Letter for medical and dental applicants
  • Referrals to other university resources

Students are expected to take an active role in preparing for their professional education. We encourage you to attend our seminars and workshops to ensure that you are preparing a strong application to the professional school of your choice.

The MedOpp Advising Office is housed in 165 McReynolds Hall.

MedOpp Advising Office Hours

The MedOpp Advising Office is open during regular campus office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.